Thanks to its warm and beautiful weather, Florida is a paradise for people who like to walk. Unfortunately, this can increase the chances of a pedestrian accident. If you were injured in a pedestrian accident in Palm Beach, you should immediately contact a Palm Beach injury lawyer for help filing a claim against the person who caused your injuries.
After being injured in a pedestrian accident in Palm Beach, you should follow a few important steps to not only help you recover from your injuries, but also help your Florida pedestrian accident claim. Your Palm Beach injury attorney can offer advice as well as handle the negotiations with the insurance company and prepare for trial if necessary.
A Pedestrian Accident in Palm Beach Analyzed
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately 78,000 pedestrians sustain injuries and 5,000 die each year when hit by a vehicle. Defective sidewalks and parking lots as well as debris on the sidewalk cause thousands of additional pedestrian injuries each year.
The types of driver behavior that may lead to a pedestrian accident in Palm Beach include:
- failing to observe traffic signals or speed limits;
- failing to yield at a crosswalk;
- driving while distracted (i.e., texting, applying makeup, looking in the glove compartment);
- failing to account for weather conditions while driving; and
- driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
Whether your pedestrian accident in Palm Beach was caused by a motorist or improper maintenance of the sidewalk, your Palm Beach injury lawyer will help you determine the party liable for your injuries and begin gathering evidence to help your Florida pedestrian accident claim case.
When You’ve Been Injured in a Pedestrian Accident in Palm Beach
If you are injured in a pedestrian accident in Palm Beach, the first thing you should do is contact the police and seek medical attention. Even if you don’t feel a great deal of pain initially after the accident, you could be injured without even knowing it. Injuries such as concussions and internal bleeding may not be noticeable at first, but they can cause long-term complications if not treated immediately after your pedestrian accident in Palm Beach.
You should also write down the names and contact information for anyone who witnessed your accident. These witnesses can help your Florida pedestrian accident claim by proving the motorist was responsible for your injuries. When you hire a Palm Beach injury lawyer, provide him or her with the list of witnesses for follow up.
While it may be tempting to describe the accident to others, you should refrain from making statements about your pedestrian accident in Palm Beach. If you say the wrong thing, it could come back to haunt you during your Florida pedestrian accident claim case. If you want to discuss your case, speak with your Palm Beach injury lawyer.
Winning Your Florida Pedestrian Accident Claim Case
When you file a Florida pedestrian accident claim, it is up to you and your Palm Beach injury lawyer to prove the defendant was at fault for your pedestrian accident in Palm Beach.
To determine fault, you must show the defendant:
- had a legal duty to protect you as a pedestrian;
- failed to live up to that duty through either wrongdoing or negligence;
- caused your pedestrian accident in Palm Beach; and
- injured you as a result of his or her actions.
If your Palm Beach injury lawyer can prove these things, you may be awarded compensation for your medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
Hiring an Experienced Palm Beach Injury Lawyer
When you’ve been injured in a pedestrian accident in Palm Beach, the last thing you want to do is worry about filing a lawsuit; you just want to focus on recovery. When it comes to choosing an attorney, you can’t afford to play a game of chance. Picking a Florida injury attorney based on a colorful bus ad or a touching TV commercial won’t necessarily put you in touch with the attorney best suited for your case.
Palm Beach injury attorney Theodore Babbitt has spent years building his practice and growing his network of trusted colleagues and well-respected lawyers. Simply fill out our online form for Florida injury victims, and Mr. Babbitt will personally review your story to see if you have a valid claim for a pedestrian accident in Palm Beach. He will then put you in touch with the attorney best-suited to handle your case. There is no cost to get started – 1-877-751-8087.